25 January 2025

Worked a bit on Keith Jarrett’ Memories of Tomorrow today on the piano, a tune I’ve already played several times in the past. This is actually the last piece of the Köln Concert, originally named Köln, January 24, 1975 Part IIc. This time I tried different things for the left hand, first in the low register with open chords and a rather supple rhythmic pattern, then in the medium register with tight chords and a syncopated, repetitive rhythmic pattern. At the end of the piece, I naturally improvised a coda by repeating two chords in a loop, the second changing from time to time, then returning to the original. The right hand developed into a melody that I was happy with, played first in unison between the medium and low notes, then in more orchestral chords, while the left hand continued its rhythm. I’ve recorded these ideas and I’m thinking of reworking and integrating them for a future concert. It’s a good example of how working on an inspiring piece can lead to a flow of ideas.